Kinanis Law Firm 6th Photography Competition 2024

Social Events

Kinanis LLC, Law Firm, is happy to announce the organisation and sponsorship of its 6th Photography Competition 2024 to promote and stimulate interest in photography as part of its corporate social responsibility.

The Competition has a philanthropic aspect as well. The proceeds from the event, as identified in the terms and conditions of the Competition, as well as a €1000 donation by Kinanis LLC, Law Firm, will be donated to the charitable foundation “VOICE FOR AUTISM” details of which can be found at https://voiceforautism.org

The participants may submit their photographs under the following 3 categories:

  1. Nature (Only colour photographs);
  2. Human Factor (Only colour photographs); and 
  3. Black and White photographs related to any one of the above two categories - Nature and Human Elements.

Professional and amateur photographers, irrespectively of age, nationality or residency.

Participants may submit up to 5 (five) photographs in each category which must respond to the theme of the Competition.

The participants must register at the following link https://www.kinanis.com/PhotoCompetition and follow the instructions therein as to the uploading and providing the information requested.

Tuesday 07/05/2024 at 24:00 hours, Cyprus time.

First Prize €500, Second Prize €250, Third Prize €150 and Honorable Mentions.

Friday 14th of June 2024 at 20:00 at Akamantis Business Center, 10 Egypt Street, 1097 - Nicosia, Cyprus.

Selected photographs will will be framed and exhibited for sale at Akamantis Business Centre as from Friday 14/06/2024 to Friday 28/06/2024.
Online sale will also be available.

There will not be any bidding process as in previous competitions.

A commemorative book wiil be published with the selected photographs.

Elbridge Holdings Ltd
Akamantis Business Center, www.akamantis.com 
C. Efstathiou Audit Ltd, www.ceaudit.com.cy 
Kinanis Law Firm, www.kinanis.com 

Those interested must refer on our website and comply with the terms and conditions in English and Greek of the Competition as specified therein.

Terms and Conditions in English and Greek.