Cyprus Investment Programme
The Council of Ministers of the Republic of Cyprus introduced a further amendment to the Cyprus Investment Programme

On the 25th of July 2019, the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Cyprus introduced a further amendment to the Cyprus Investment Programme (the "CIP"), whereby high-risk individuals are excluded from obtaining the Cypriot citizenship.

In particular, the prohibition applies to the following categories of persons:

(A) Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs), who are divided into the following sub-categories:

(i) Individuals holding a state office;
(ii) Individuals that held a state office in the past 5 (five) years.

(B) Persons who are subject to criminal investigation, without being pressed with charges.

(C) Persons who are subject to criminal prosecution and are held in custody.

(D) Persons convicted to imprisonment for serious offences (e.g. bribery, tax evasion etc) and where the sentence has been written-off.

(E) Persons connected with legal entities that are subject to sanctions by the European Union (EU), e.g. shareholders or senior executives of companies which are included in sanction lists.

(F) Persons who were connected in the past but are no longer connected with legal entities that are subject to sanctions by the European Union (EU), e.g. former senior executives of companies which are included in sanction lists. Such persons should have been connected with the sanctioned companies at the time where the sanctions were imposed to these companies. Individuals who had resigned prior to the imposition of the sanctions are exempted for the ban and may apply under the CIP.

(G) Persons who are sanctioned by third countries (e.g. US, Ukraine, Russian Federation).

(H) Persons who are connected with legal entities that are subject to sanctions by third countries.

(I) Persons being under investigation/being charged with criminal offenses and who are wanted by EUROPOL or INTERPOL. 

(J) Persons who have been investigated and charged with criminal offenses and/or who are wanted by EUROPOL or INTERPOL.

(K) Persons who are subject to sanctions by the United Nations Security Council.


This publication has been prepared as a general guide and for information purposes only. It is not a substitution for professional advice. One must not rely on it without receiving independent advice based on the particular facts of his/her own case.  No responsibility can be accepted by the authors or the publishers for any loss occasioned by acting or refraining from acting on the basis of this publication.


Contact Persons:

Kallia Agrotou
Senior Associate Lawyer– Property Department 



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